Acupuncturist, author, herbalist, educator, yogi, self-cultivation catalyst.
I’ve always sought a deeper understanding of the world.
And as a child, I had a natural proclivity for supporting people experiencing challenging moments and transitions in their lives. I had an innate sense of the power of empathy, compassion and presence.
It’s from this curiosity and these traits that my love to heal, teach and catalyze transformation was born. Now, I work daily to nourish and grow myself so that I may be of greater service to my clients and to the world at large. This is the foundation of what it means to self-cultivate, and it’s the cornerstone of my medical practice.
Addressing pain and discomfort, or helping clients maintain a balanced state of health are important elements of my clinical practice. But orienting them toward an attitude of self-cultivation, which is to see every moment as an opportunity to gain deeper self-knowledge, awareness and clarity, is an intention I maintain as important as any.
To encourage self-knowledge, challenge perspectives, and share frameworks that empower us to find direction within, this facilitates the transformation—physical, mental and spiritual—that was in us all along. This is a path where our own practice becomes the strongest force in our self-cultivation, and the antidote for the many reasons we suffer.
This process of transformation, this journey of self-cultivation is never really over. And it is our responsibility to nourish our destiny.
My own journey has taken me from business school at the University of Michigan to the Hennan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Far East. I have traveled around the world for countless healing seminars, yoga conferences, silent retreats, and even cave dwelling experiences, all the while studying Buddhist, Daoist, Hindu, and Jewish philosophy, herbal studies, martial arts and bodywork, gaining a doctorate in Chinese Medical Qigong and energy medicine and a masters in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine.
My current practice, an intentional, ever-evolving mix of ancient modalities and modern methods, is a result of my passion to clarify my own mind. And it is this interest and curiosity, above all, that I seek to impart onto my clients. Because when we seek to nourish our destiny, our quest is never over.